Coach Quisenberry is an excellent leader of young people. We’ve been blessed to have him involved with our basketball program.


I would first like to start this by saying Mr. Quisenberry is an amazing person who inspires me to want to be the best educator I can be.


I was very blessed to have Mr. Quisenberry as my Life Coach. I knew this would be a journey not a one answer fixes all my problems.


Coach Quis came to talk to our team about leadership and how we have the opportunity every day to impact others.


Coach Quisenberry is by far one of the best and most respected coaches I know today. He speaks the truth and from his heart.


Coach Quisenberry is truly an essential part of our team! His wealth of knowledge in the areas of leadership and personal growth are second to none.


My staff and I recently had the pleasure of working with Richard Quisenberry. Richard mentored our team throughout staff training.

