Education Conversation & Observation

I believe EDUCATION CONVERSATION AND OBSERVATION are three major components that can promote positive change.
This program is designed to teach and equip each individual with innovative ways to become a lifetime learner and leaders who is not only a effective communicator but also outstanding at connecting with others. A person who takes time to use personal observations as a tool to extinguish assumptions and misinformation about individuals and organizations. I want to raise young men’s awareness, help them gain knowledge and develop skills to become productive leaders.
• Educating yourself on becoming the architect of your environment, and not the victim.
• Learning how to expand your formal education in ways that benefit you in real life situations.
• Working on creating habits that can help you become a lifetime learner.
• The ability to create and manage meaningful conversations and difficult topics in a respectful manner.
• The capability to listen to people when they are speaking to you.
• Identifying the difference between Change Talk vs. Sustain Talk.
• Taking time to observe for yourself ways to solve obstacles and difficult situations.
• Allowing you to come to a conclusion based on what you have seen personally. (Facts, not opinions)
• Giving you an understanding of how others may view the world differently.

Join BCS-Springfield at Fathering Strong by Urban Light Ministries to participate in the ECO Agenda
Table of Contents
There is a jar with 20 words or phrases, 10 positive and 10 negative. Students will take turns picking a slip from the jar and deciding if the slip is improving the reputation of their name or hurting it.
Finish the following statements with “I feel...”
- "When a teacher tells me I am not smart enough for their class”
- "When a parents tell me they appreciate how hard I’m working”
- “When I see a stranger struggling to carry their bags to their car”
Students will take turns picking a topic out of a box. They are not to openly talk about their topic, but rather choose one person to discuss their topic with or trade topics. Rotate every 5 minutes, then each student will discuss their topic and rate who knew their topic best.
Students will discuss the importance of making your own decisions. This is based off what you see and hear on your own not what others say. Skits written by Mr. Quis will then be performed...
Students will partner up and work together to compete in a cup stacking competition, while at the same time helping each other protect the stack from flying tennis balls.
Students will list three things they like and dislike about school. Students will complete the same process for activities outside of school. Discuss aloud.
In a game of this or that, students will determine which situation involves formal education or street education. Students will act out cards drawn, and the class will decide.
Split up into groups and imagine you all sit on the on hiring committee of a big company.
What are three traits you look for in an ideal candidate?
How do these traits relate to work ethic?
You have just been drafted by an NFL team; they announce they are conducting social media evaluations before signing the contract.
- What are some key things that should NOT be posted?
- What are three post that could impress the franchise owners?
Come up with a point system equating certain academic degrees to a number. The higher the number, the higher the income. Discuss different approaches to learning (college, trade school, apprenticeships, etc.).,
How important is education in setting you up for success?
Students will participate in the ice breaker “Blind Walk” which focuses on self-leadership and decision making.
What is the latest book you’ve read, podcast you’ve listened to, or magazine you have read that you learned something new or exciting.
Students will take part in a game involving mouse traps. Everyone will use listening skills and following detailed directions for completing various difficult tasks.
We will read the children’s book Wobbly Willie Chooses Kindness. One student will play the role of the teacher while the rest act as students. The teacher has to share the importance of kindness and the effects of being unkind.
Each person will write down three things that they feel they are disciplined at doing. Please explain why.
List three places you would like to visit outside of the United States.
Please explain why.
Students will watch a video without sound and guess what happening. They will then discuss what they gathered from the video before watching it with the sound on. The class will discuss different views of each student.